A number of beautiful pictures have been donated to the maternity unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital (FVRH).
Elaine Jackman from ‘Water Babies’, which runs swimming classes for babies, kindly presented pictures to the unit to brighten up some of the rooms in the Labour Ward. The pictures are all of local babies who were born at the hospital and attend local ‘Water Babies’ swimming classes.
Jennifer Szotek, Senior Midwife, NHS Forth Valley said: “We are very grateful for this fantastic donation. It’s great to images of some of the babies who were delivered by our local midwives being captured in such a special way. The new pictures will be put up in some of our delivery rooms to help create a homely, relaxing atmosphere for our mums to be and future Forth Valley babies.”
Elaine Jackman said: “I wanted to give something to the labour ward to help create a calming atmosphere in the delivery rooms and give mums something to focus on whilst they are in labour. I think the new pictures will also make a great talking point and help highlight the benefits of learning to swim at an early stage.”