When midwife Jane McPherson turned up for work in the labour ward at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, little did she know that history was about to repeat itself. One of her patients that day was Alana Morrison – who she had delivered 25 years ago!
Alana had gone to hospital in labour ahead of the birth of her son Rocco, and Jane had already seen her, oblivious to the coincidence. When Alana’s mum Clare McPherson (No relation) arrived in the ward the penny dropped.
“I didn’t realise who Alana was at first. It wasn’t until her mum came in and I said hello and gave her a cuddle that she said she here for her daughter, who I’d delivered 25 years ago! Although another midwife was taking care of Alana, we thought it’d be nice if I could play a part in delivering the baby, so I said I’d see what I could do.
“Delivering two generations isn’t a common thing, but I’ve been here 27years now, so I think it may start happening a bit more often. I don’t think I’ll see the third generation though!”
Alana added “I felt more relived knowing that Jane was with me, along with Karen Mackinnon, who was looking after me. They were both brilliant. I’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff that took care of Rocco and me, everyone was fantastic.”
Not only has Jane played her part in delivering Alana and Rocco; her son is also in the same class as Alana’s younger sister and she lives just along the road from dad Ryan Morrison’s parents.
For further information please contact NHS Forth Valley’s Communications Department on 01786 457243.