A special memory tree for families who have been affected by a lost pregnancy, stillborn or death of a child or infant is now in place in the Spiritual Care Centre at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. People will have the opportunity to have a metal ‘leaf’ placed on the branches in remembrance of their loss.
The copper tree has been purchased by the hospital’s Women & Children’s Bereavement Team and was made by sculptor Gary Pickles from East Yorkshire based company, Metallic Garden. The leaves are heart shaped and Falkirk jeweller, Jim Colley, has kindly offered to inscribe them for families free of charge. The leaves can also be returned as a keepsake, should the family wish.
The new initiative was introduced by NHS Forth Valley’s Women and Children’s Bereavement team who were keen to give local parents an opportunity to express and remember their loss. The team consists of Bereavement Advisors Alana Harrower and Susan Milne and Lead Bereavement Advisor Catriona Addison.
Catriona Addison, who is also a Senior Charge Nurse in the Gynaecology Ward, said: “For a lot of women, having a memento in remembrance of their loss is very important. It is recognition of the time of pregnancy, whether it is an early loss, a stillborn, or even an infant loss. When we lose adults, we have memories which stay with us and inscribing a leaf is something very precious that a mother can keep.”
She added: “I would also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported bringing this important project to fruition.”
The Bereavement Team have also created an online remembrance page which is available on the Women and Children’s Bereavement section of the NHS Forth Valley website www.nhsforthvalley.com/littlestars
Anyone wishing to have a leaf placed on the tree should contact the Bereavement Team at Forth Valley Royal Hospital on 01324 566799 and they can arrange this or email
FV-UHB.WomenandChildrenBereavementTeam@nhs.net for further details.
Pictured are Alana Harrower and Catriona Addison