Staff from NHS Forth Valley will be attending a meeting in Stirling later this month to explain what enhanced nursing care can be provided in the home to help people recover when acutely unwell following an accident, illness or stay in hospital.
They will be speaking at the Stirling Public Partnership Forum in the Lecture Theatre at Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate Stirling, on Wednesday November 29th 2017 starting at 7.00pm.
The service is provided by new Enhanced Community Teams which are able to quickly deliver a wide range of services and support until longer-term arrangements are in place.
These include nursing services to provide medication and change dressings, physiotherapy to help people get back on their feet, occupational therapy to improve people’s level of function. The teams can also arrange for equipment such as walking and toilet aids to be delivered to help them retain their independence. In the past, not having overnight care in place was one of the reasons which resulted in older people being admitted to hospital, particularly if they were frail and living on their own.
Teams are normally able to respond within two hours and once immediate needs have been assessed regular checks are carried out to make sure people are coping. Arrangements can also be made for carers to visit overnight if required.
Those attending the meeting will also be able to find out more about the changing role of community nurses and health visitors as well as the changes made to primary care services provided in two Forth Valley medical practices which are managed by NHS Forth Valley. The practices, Kersiebank in Grangemouth and Bannockburn in Stirling, offer a range of additional services including those provided by mental health nurses, physiotherapists and pharmacists.
If you need crèche facilities or an interpreter to enable you to attend this event or have any other special requirements please contact: Jessie-Anne Malcolm, PPF Development Co-ordinator on 01324 614660, or send an email to: