A memorial plaque has been unveiled in the Lecture Theatre at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in honour of Dr Pat Beausang, a former NHS Forth Valley doctor who died on 18th August 2009 from leukaemia aged just 43. Dr Beausang was a Consultant Physician in Ageing and Health and had worked in NHS Forth Valley for nine years. He was described as a larger than life character with a lovely disposition which greatly endeared him to all those privileged to work with him, as well as those in his care during his time at NHS Forth Valley.
His family subsequently presented a watercolour to the Intensive Care Unit, which reflected his love of running up to Stirling Castle and along the Carse. Now a memorial plaque has been placed in the hospital’s lecture theatre to record the names of speakers who have given the Pat Bausang Memorial Lecture which has become an annual event.
His sister Hilary Beausang (left) and wife Cat are pictured together with Dr Catherine Calderwood (right) the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland who gave this year’s lecture on Realistic Medicine.
Mrs Beausang said: “I’m really excited its happening and people will get to see the legacy he left behind.” Her sister-in- law echoed her thoughts. “I thought people would have forgotten him but it’s so lovely they haven’t.”
In her lecture, Dr Calderwood emphasised the need for patients to be involved in shared decision making with their healthcare professional. Realistic Medicine, she explained, recognises that a one size fits all approach to health and social care is not the most effective path for the patient or the NHS. It explores what matters to patients personally, what their goals are and encourages them to ask questions about their condition and the different care and treatment options available.